
Showing posts from August, 2018

Fear of Progress

So I've been doing really well lately and making a lot of progress. I've gained confidence and hope that I will once again be able to live the life I want to live. I'm obviously not there yet but I've been able to do more and more things and survive tough situations that have previously seemed impossible. Whenever I'm doing good I tend to not know what to write about in my blog posts. For one thing, I don't want to seem like I'm bragging about doing well because even through the good days I am almost always struggling with something. The other thing is that I don't want to be seen as doing well and then not be believed when I'm struggling or fall into a down moment. Basically to sum it up I have a huge fear surrounding making progress.  With every good day that passes and every bad moment I make it through comes excitement, but that excitement also comes followed by fear that it's all going to end soon. I feel like I am almost always waiting

Forming Healthy Habits

Now that I've gotten my mental health somewhat under control, at least in terms of panic attacks and being able to handle my day to day anxiety, I've realized just how badly I need to spend some time focusing on my physical health. The problem is I have no idea what to do and I still need to be able to take care of my mental health along the way. When it comes to working out and being healthy I have zero motivation and then when I actually do find motivation I'm so out of shape that I can't do very much before I'm completely worn out. There are a few things I'm trying to incorporate into my daily life to help me form healthy habits that will hopefully lead me to becoming a healthier version of myself, both mentally and physically.  1. Watching Calories - Now this is something that I know can not always be helpful. I'm not going to starve myself if I'm hungry but I have no calories left for the day. This is more of a way to hold myself accountable to ea