
Showing posts from February, 2018

One Year Anniversary

Happy 1st anniversary to Dancing Through Anxiety! I  can't believe it but today marks one year since I published my first blog post!!  It's crazy to think that I have been publishing my thoughts for you all to read for an entire year now. When I first thought of starting a blog I thought that I would maybe make a few posts and a few people would read it. I've made 38 posts (not quite one a week but I'll take it) and have had readers from all over the world. I  have found so much help and healing from writing these posts and connecting with other people in similar situations or people wanting to support those in similar situations.  Am I where I thought I would be at this point in time? Absolutely not. Am I learning to be okay with that? Absolutely.  I've finally entered a part in my mental health recovery that I feel like I am finally healing from my grief, I have somewhat of a  grip on my anxiety/depression, and am hopeful and encouraged  that I will one day le


So as you all most likely know by now things haven't been going so well for me. I just recently in about the last week have been starting to feel myself make my way back to where I was before my January and part of February low point. I want to do a post about the healing I've been feeling this January compared with times in the past but I'm not quite ready to write that, so instead I thought I would write a little bit about how I survived my down point. The most important thing I could do was stay busy but since I was feeling depressed I had to find ways to stay busy within the comfort of my home. These activities needed to be simple  enough to do in a depressed state of mind but also entertaining enough to distract me and make me want to do them. I thought I would share some of the hobbies that worked for me with you all.  Reading : I am an avid reader so this is usually my go to activity. It gets me out of the craziness that can be my mind for a while but it doesn'